Dr. Patricia Gordon, a hero working to bring life-saving treatment to isolated areas, is profiled in this article. Her main task is to establish and expand medical clinics in disaster-stricken areas worldwide, where she treats chronic diseases like diabetes and hypertension. She is a hero who is saving lives in far-flung parts of the globe in the following ways:
1. Prevention of cervical cancer:
Dr. Patricia Gordon, a pediatrician in Oklahoma City for more than 25 years and the Oklahoma City Medical Foundation director, has devoted all efforts to improving life expectancy through cervical cancer prevention. She brought cervical cancer awareness to her state by establishing a program to teach young girls about the risk factors and ways to avoid contracting it.
The organization is also researching more effective tests for detecting the disease and developing large-scale programs for vaccination against strains of HPV that cause most cases of cervical cancer.
2. Treatment of diabetes and hypertension
Dr. Patricia Gordon has always wanted to help people that lack access to health care in the remote areas of third world countries. She has financed her medical missions by receiving a grant from the Gates Foundation and turning over other donations to her cause.
These donations are used to fund her trips abroad, bring medical supplies, and perform surgeries that otherwise would not be performed in these foreign countries.
3. Dr Patricia Gordon: setting up medical facilities
Dr. Patricia Gordon is a pediatrician who opened a free clinic in Oklahoma to serve the poor, homeless, and chronic diseases like diabetes and hypertension.
Her work consists primarily of establishing and expanding medical clinics in disaster-stricken areas across the globe and providing treatment for chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension, which are leading causes of death among children her age worldwide.

4. Offering free medical services
In addition to providing free medical services in disaster-hit areas, Dr Gordon also provides free care for uninsured children who are residents of Oklahoma City without regard for limits on insurance coverage.
In her words, “We don’t have to wait until people get sick and have health insurance before we care for them”.
5. Setting up prevention programs
With the help of her devoted team, Dr Patricia Gordon provides free medical services to children who cannot afford to pay for them while also establishing prevention programs that help people maintain their health and avoid getting sick in the first place.
The organization is also researching more effective tests for detecting the disease and developing large-scale programs for vaccination against strains of HPV that cause most cases of cervical cancer.
Dr. Patricia Gordon (Dr Gordon) has dedicated her life to the medical field and helping others by providing free health services to those who suffer from preventable chronic diseases and illnesses.
She is one of the few pediatricians who has made a difference, in this case offering free medical services worldwide while being a role model for future generations of pediatricians.